1st Lab. Conference Attendance

Welcome to the 1st International Conference of the Pathological Analysis
The conference will be held in Iraq, Basrah,on the Oil cultural center, just close to the main city entrance.
We look forward for seeing you, and other conference participants from around the world, at this delightful southern venue.
Conference registration opens Sunday, August 25, 2019 via online registration
Also you can upload your abstract & full article via the
1st Lab. Conference Abstract Submissin
The Conference main activities are to start on Friday, 25th Oct, 2019. There will be a full set of activities throughout the day.
Saturday will feature plenary, parallel, poster, work in progress, and feedback sessions.
You will have the opportunity to participate in conversations and see presentations from leading academics and practitioners in pathological analyses.
Friday will feature workshops on skill genetics & DNA Cloning and content rich topics.
There is also, before the conference itself, the Opening ceremony (separate registration is kindly required).
The program committee, thread chairs, reviewers, and Society staff have worked hard to create a program consisting of the best quality, state of the art work in pathological analysis.
The online schedule shows all sessions, including time and location, and will include links for extended abstracts or presentation slides for selected works and It will be ready for upload soon.
The program schedule also includes sponsor exhibits, modeling assistance workshops, publishing assistance workshops, model expos, panel discussions, special sessions, and a number of meetings.
There will be plenary presentations on a variety of topics including gene therapy, DNA analysis , and other interesting events.
During the conference there will also be time for social and professional interaction in a relaxed and fascinating setting.
Poster Symposium with a walking buffet will be available side by side with conference sessions on Friday .
In addition, on Saturday the Family-Guest Lounge will be a meeting place for attendees and their guests to gather, and make plans to do fun things in Restaurant hall will be a great opportunity to make new friends and renew acquaintances!.
A very special thank you goes to all who helped.
In addition to all our sponsors, we are also very fortunate this year to have the Basrah Gvernerat , University of Basrah as our Champion Sponsor as well as a number of Supporting Sponsors.
We sincerely appreciate the enthusiasm and support of all our sponsors.
We have confidence you will find the conference stimulating and rewarding.
We ask that you bring to our attention anything that may help us to ensure the success of the current conference, as well as future ones.
You can call the media or person in charge via these phones
Dr. Awatif Essa, conference coordinator
Cell phone: 009647801059989
Dr. Wael Alshihaby
Media committee
Cell phone: 009647705611340
Email: alshihaby@iamrs.edu.iq
Thank you for attending!
Best wishes from the conference organizers,